Thursday 26 April 2012

Look On The Brightside - Nails Of The Day

I'm going to start off this post in the fashion of any typical Brit by complaining about the weather. OMG how much rain have we had - here oop north it's rained almost solidly for a week - it's dark, it's gloomy it's horrid - and to make it worse it's moved indoors with water dripping through the conservatory and bathroom ceilings!!! Yuck I really don't think it's helping my mood I've felt sooo down these past few days, which you'll know if you follow my ramblings on twitter. Do you know what though I'm sick of being a moaning myrtle so I'm really going to try and be happier and more positive,so what better way to lift my spirit than with a super bright, summery nail.

Avon Nailwear Pro in Coral Reef is one of those colours that just screams summer, and sunshine. A gorgeous coral, which can look more orange or red based depending on the light -love it. I also love the fact that this was just one coat!!!

Would you believe even looking at this shade on my fingers has made me feel just a little happier, yet another winner from Avon, What do you think of Coral Reef and summery nails on general on horrid days?

1 comment:

  1. This is gorgeous, I think I will have to buy this one x


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