Thursday 18 October 2007

The Reintroduction of Wispa - The Verdict!

Well I managed to grab a couple of Wispa bars from the airport before I went on holiday and I have to say they were as yummy as they always were but like most chocolate bars they were a lot smaller! Why on earth do manufacturers do this - do they think we won't notice an inch of chocolate bar is missing!

Beach Babes!

More pics - me and my mum being beach babes!

The Wanderer Returns!

I am back !!! Returned to cold and dreary England late on Sunday night! God what a change! the temperature in Cyprus never dropped below 30 degrees during the day!

I had fab time - the weather was great, the hotel and resort was lovely, the food was great even I found something to eat - great cheese, veg, yogurt, eggs and cocktails ;) I even put weight on!

The beach was fab and was really relaxing - I have had colder baths than the sea all with ickle fish swimming around your feet. The shops were really good too and I bought loads of stuff including jewellery, smellies, candle holders and of course handbags! We went to Nicosia too which was a nice change from the beach and there were even more super cute shops and big department stores like Debenhams.

Perhaps though the best thing was that I hardly felt a single ME ache or pain in all the time I was there - admittedly the heat made me tired and the airport was a bit bleurgh! but the warmth really helped my aching muscles - that was a huge plus point and is a major reason why we will definitely go back!

Plus the kitty cats seemed to have a good time too what more could you ask?

Here are some pics to make you jealous!

Saturday 6 October 2007

Sunshine Here I Come!

Well here it is my last post for about a week - tomorrow I jet off for a week of hopefully sunny sun in Cyprus. I hope I will be OK with the heat and I don't have any bad spells while I am away. Hopefully the change of scenery and heat will be a good thing (fingers crossed) Obviously feeling a bit erm about leaving the lads but they will be having a little holiday of their own not in any cattery you understand but a cat hotel! so hopefully they will be OK!
Not much else to say really apart from the fantastic news that Wispa bars are been reintroduced on a limited edition basis - well done Cadbury for listening to your consumers Wispa Golds now please!
OK chicks see you soon (hopefully when I am nice and tanned!)