Thursday 29 January 2009

Wobble Wobble?!?

I admit it I wobbled and fell off the perch a bit :(

Ordered a couple of bits from Look Again. I will hopefully get some free Morgan PJs and its buy now pay september, and I am in credit with my Look Again account so in a way I am only getting my money back-see I am good at convincing myself aren't I :(

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Seventh Heaven - Maybe?

A couple of pieces of big news in today's update - first of all I managed to lose a huge 7lbs in the first week of my diet -OK I still cheated a bit and its mostly water in your first week but still I'm pleased with my start :)
Secondly I have won a prize - for regular readers and those that know me well I am usually pretty good at winning competitions but lately my luck seems to have dried up a bit until yesterday when I found out I have won this!
Fabulous! I can't see how it will help my spending diet though :( I have basket danced a bit these past few days but I have remained pretty strong - my one minor wobble has been a purchase from ebay. I finally managed to get my hands on a copy of Delia's Vegetarian for less than half the retail price - was it essential not really :0 but its a fabulous book and it was too much of a bargain not to - Forgive me?

Saturday 24 January 2009

Hanging In There - Just!!!

Well I am still on both my diets both spending and foodie wise but both are proving pretty hard to stick to :(
Spending wise I have seen loads of stuff I want to buy, especially from ASOS, and I could really do with a craft storage trolley - I also have a £5 off La Redoute voucher, and due to the VAT cut my Look Again account is in credit i.e they owe me money !!! I really sound like I am trying to convince myself don't I :(
To try and keep myself going I have got a few books out of the library concerned with money saving and spending diets and have picked up some good tips, e.g. freebie hunting, cancelling policies I don't need and so on. Some of them are just wacky - hitch hiking in this day and age - I ask you ! or take too much effort becoming a credit card tart anyone?
I have also got loads of useful advice from this website - don't forget to sign up to the newsletter :)

Foodie wise I am finding it a bit of a struggle too - why is it the things that taste the nicest have the most calories - My first weigh in is on Monday - wish me loads of luck!

Saturday 17 January 2009

I Survived !!!

Due to a change of plan we ended up going to the Metro Centre on Friday and believe it or not I stuck to my must buys and didn't buy anything else I got my Boots stuff using my points, and spent only £1.56 extra in the Body Shop after my refund and £2.50 on a calorie guide to help me with my diet which I'm starting on Monday. I didn't spend my Next vouchers and my mum paid for my undies ! Result!
I have also made some hefty contributions towards my bills this month, and I have a cheque for £45 to put in the bank after I ordered something on the internet for a relative - that money will go straight towards this months main credit card bill

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Next Come Up Trumps

People often argue that customer service in this country has gone down the pan and to be honest certain incidents have meant that more often than not I have agreed with them but not today.
A few months ago I bought my mum a kettle and toaster set from my Next Directory, on only its second use the toaster blew up, fusing all the electric in the house with it.
Thankfully nobody was hurt but understandably I contacted Next to complain - they profusely apologised and took the kettle and toaster away for further investigation and replaced them with more expensive models for no extra charge.
To be honest I thought that would be the end of it but today I received a recorded delivery letter from Next with the results of their investigation and a £25 gift card!
Well done them I say - moreover I can feasibly spend the vouchers without breaking my spending ban ! Despite that though I can see some major temptation ahead of me as I am braving the Metro Centre tomorrow with my mum!
Argh - I only want a few bits - face wipes, undies, Body Shop Cranberry goodies if they have any (This is only because Body Shop Online screwed up my pre ban sale order - thankfully they have refunded me £14 which should be enough)- so hopefully the £20 I have in my purse and some Boots points should cover this little lot - Wish Me Luck!!!

Saturday 10 January 2009


Well I have wobbled a bit, OK some would call it cheating, but I wouldn't, not really...

Since last summer I have been on the look out for a long line / boyfriend style cardigan in white and low and behold the Spring / Summer copy of La Redoute has one

I have therefore taken a mini plunge and ordered it - classing it as an essential item (probably because I searched high and low for one and I am so pleased to have found it - LOL)
I have ordered it on a buy now pay July basis, and I qualify for a free cowl neck jacket which I can always ebay if I don't like, so there is a bit of method in my madness - I just have to hope I like it when it comes - otherwise the search will go on !

Thursday 8 January 2009

Why Do They Do It???

Is it any wonder that the banks in this country in are in such a state - I am in debt so what do they do ? stick another £1000 on my credit card limit !!!!

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Whoops A Daisy

Why is it that I always make my doctors appointments for possibly the coldest of wettest days ever.
Thankfully I got a lift along to the doctors yesterday which was just as well due to the sheer amount of snow and ice - nevertheless it was decided that I would walk home after my appointment. I knew that this was a bad idea almost as soon as I left the surgery to collect my prescriptions and get a few magazines. The path was like an ice rink - the only way people were walking about was to walk alongside the walls where the majority of snow and ice had melted!!!
I managed to get my bits with only a bit of sliding around but when I was 3/4 of the way home over I went - slap bang onto the ground!!! I hurriedly got up and skidded / hobbled away whilst trying not to die of embarrassment because of course there were loads of people around.
Not only was my pride damaged but I have a huge bruise on my knee and I feel like I have been kicked everywhere (well even more so than usual!).
Note to self don't go out in the ice Note to Durham and Derwentside Councils -SALT YOUR PAVEMENTS!!!!!!

Bill Paying and Mini Spend

A little update for you readers.
So far this month I have made payments to a catalogue, a store card and a credit card, and my phone bill has came out by direct debit !!
So far so good as long as I don't buy anything every little will surely help.
OK I have bought a few bits but they were allowed or classed as urgent or essentials. My monthly mags and a few bits from the Avon sale to go towards my Mothers Day pressie (Aren't I good thinking ahead!!!) are classed as allowed in my money saving plan and a Memory Stick for my new lack of optical drive laptop and my prescription are essentials.
Must admit I have been majorly tempted by a few bit bought by some of the handbag girls including a gorgeous Primark dress and shoes, and some lovely jewellery I saw on the Dorothy Perkins website - must stay strong though!

Thursday 1 January 2009

The Rest Of My Resolutions

Well apart from the obvious I have also made the following New Years Resolutions

  • Lose Weight
  • Try and do a bit of yoga for fatigue
  • Try and keep things a bit tidier and more organised
  • Stick to my skincare routine
  • Keep my eyebrows groomed
  • Try and be an all round nicer person
  • Try and be more positive about my illness
  • Keep in touch with friends and family more

The Last Hurrah!!!!

Well the spending ban starts today !
I had a so called last hurrah last night and bought a few essential bits from ASOS (well maybe not that essential ), a couple of craft bits and some cashmere and flannel sheets!
From now on nothing I don't need comes through this door and I will hopefully go someway towards paying my debts off!