Friday 29 February 2008

More Craft - Mothers Day Cards

Here are some cards I made for Mothers Day!

OMG - Time Flies!

I haven't updated this blog for nearly a month probably for the plain and simple reason I don't have much to say, nothing interesting ever seems to happen to me:( Plus I've been spending more time on Facebook ;)
Really ! nothing has happened no major changes have happened in my life and Newcastle still haven't won a game under Kevin Keegan :(
On the plus side we have booked another holiday in sunny Cyprus for June - I can't wait this dreary, windy weather is getting to me and making my pains worse!
We are going here!
Can't wait - going to have to be more strict on my diet - am going to try the cereal thing next week my mum has seen good results on it so far - wish me luck!

Wednesday 6 February 2008

YumYum Pancakes In My Tum!

Well yesterdy was Shrove Tuesday and for the first time ever we managed to make successful gluten free pancakes which were scrummy! I managed to integrate them into my calorie controlled diet which was fab too! What am I giving up for Lent - calories!

Monday 4 February 2008

A Major Catch Up!

I am a bad girl for forgetting to update this but things have been a bit crappy!

I have had the earache from hell for a fortnight and was in absolutely agony - so much so I was on the verge of shoving my head through a plate glass window!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully I got some antibiotics and it is starting to feel normal again!

The suspected upturn in Newcastle Uniteds fortunes under KK hasn't happened yet ! No major tranfer window signings, and we are still yet to win a game - oh well another season of pointlessness and disappointment!

Things have lifted slightly in the last few days though - I managed to go shopping for the first time since Christmas and had a fab Primark spree which really lifted my spirits! and the annual diet starts today - I can't believe I have put so much weight on in just a few months!

Oh another thing Happy Belated Birthday to my friend Susan and thanks to Dawn for the Hello Kitty Fridge Magnets :)