Wednesday 16 May 2007

Please Follow The Link

Sorry but I couldn't look at this site and not post a link x

Happy Birthday To Me!!!!

So I am a day late but I am officially a year older as of yesterday!
Birthdays aren't the same as they are when your a child - no party bags or balloons, or pass the parcel, and not meaning to be ungrateful but you can't play with money, clothes or smellies can you.
Never mind huge thanks to everyone for my lovely pressies and good wishes -only one more year to go till the big 3-0! - argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did have a birthday cake and candles though which is no small feat though - a fab wheat and gluten free carrot cake with cream cheese frosting - lovingly made by my mummy! Thanks Mam!

Thursday 10 May 2007

Celebrity Fashion Ranges?

This week has saw the launch of yet another celebrity inspired or designed clothing range "Lily Loves" - Lily Allen for New Look - not all of it too my taste but the peep toes were yummy and I did get a nice blue dress :)

The Kate Moss launch at Top Shop the other week looked mental and to be honest in my opinion it wasn't really that great anyway - I am not the biggest fan of the waistcoat and hot pants look and on bank holiday Monday I saw 3 pansy print dresses!! Admittedly I got a couple of vest tops from the range from Top Shop online and I do like them but I have to say you are probably paying for the Kate logo, they are just normal button detail vest tops that Top Shop would probably sell for £6 without the Kate link !

True I have also succumbed in the past I love the Celia Birtwell stuff for Top Shop and the Stella McCartney for H&M but surely it has to stop I have only bought things because I like them but some people have a tendency to buy anything that vaguely has a designer link for a bit of cheap prestige - I saw a girl today swinging her Kate carrier bag like it was a bleeding Fendi! and that isn't to mention the ebay money making £154 for a Lily Allen dress - people must be mad or incredibly intelligent one of the two!

I suppose all stores see the potential success of a designer link up Colleen with Asda and even the Katie Price swimwear range for Asda 8) - a popular celebrity or designer means a hike up in profits and loads of good publicity - If people keep buying it shops will keep doing it - just make sure its something nice and wearable!