OK it was yesterday but I didn't have time to post yesterday. I was too busy making a yummy mothers day meal for my mam. We started off with a sort of anti pasti with olives, stuffed pepper dews, balsamic pickled onions, baby plum tomatoes and luxury crisps with a yummy garlic and herb dip. We then progressed to a yummy ricotta, spinach and pine nut lasagna with gluten free ciabatta, and a wild rocket salad, and finally a yummy dessert of frozen berries with hot white chocolate sauce - all washed down with a lovely bottle of pinot grigot (spelling?). To be honest it nearly killed me - I had completely overdone it ME wise on Saturday with doing a bit of shopping in the town and then going to the football but she is so worth it. We found out last week that her next operation is going to be much sooner than we thought - she turned down a date at the beginning of April so she will be hopefully going into hospital on 2nd May now for her first hip operation. Understandably I am a bit concerned but it is for the best and it will definitely relieve her pain and make walking easier for her. Fingers crossed I manage with the caring thing though it exhausted me completely last time and I majorly relapsed over Christmas - he's hoping I manage to pace better this time and it isn't as hard :( I'll keep you posted as to what happens x