Monday 28 March 2011

The Last Goods and Bads Of March

It's Monday and what does that mean? Goods and Bads time

  • I don't know why but for the past few days I have been an emotional wreck - the slightest little thing and I've burst into tears there are a few bits going on at home but nothing really to account for me feeling so bad - I cried so much on Sunday night I went to bed at 9.30 and woke up on Sunday feeling like an absolute wreck - I am really hoping that I can sort myself out I just feel so down at the moment
  • My mum has been amazing - I've been an absolute pain to live with over the last few days but she has done her best to try and cheer me up
  • On the plus side of misery central I have lost 4lbs all week, I haven't been particularly good this week so I am pretty pleased with that
  • I have lots of new things to try out which always makes me happy
  • My followers - last week I hit 400 followers - thank you so,so much for keeping me going I really appreciate it and have a couple of giveaways planned to thank you all x
I'm so sorry this post has been a bit of a downer I don't know what it it but a lot of people seem to be feeling the same way at the moment - I have my appointment with the ME/CFS team this week so hopefully that will lift my spirits - Thanks Guys xx In the meantime I have loads of more cheerful posts ready to go this week including a review, a Project 10 Pan Update, a March roundup, and another product rave I'm going to be too busy to feel down xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hope everything goes well lou x

    Btw have you tried the paul mckenna diet? Me and my friend have been doing it. And shes lost nearly a 9lbs in two weeks, and ive lost 4lbs in a week. Its really good


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