Fresh and Seasonal Fruit and Vegetables - A bit of an odd one to start with but this week I have really been enjoying some gorgeous fresh fruit and veg. Unusually for a snackaholic like me in the past week I have turned to juicy English strawberries and blueberries, and fresh pea pods to stem my hunger pangs and do you know what I have thoroughly enjoyed them - nice fresh fruit and raw veg is the way to go
Weight Loss - It might not sound a lot but over the last two weeks I have managed to lose 3lbs this is really good for me considering I have been so stressed out and when I am stressed I eat so the fact that I am still making progress is a huge plus point for me and a huge motivation to keep going
The Body Shop MTV Yes Yes Yes Tantalising Lip Butter - To be honest when I got this a few weeks ago I didn't really need it but now I am so glad I picked one up - It tastes amazing which is supposed to be down to the dragon fruit extract - I don't know what a dragon fruit tastes like but this has an amazing tropical passion fruit or mango type taste and it's moisturising without being sticky or too greasy - A huge thumbs up for me I am only hoping it isn't a limited addition. Even better than that though all the proceeds from this product go towards raising funds for AIDS and HIV awareness - Read More Here
MAC Brave New Bronze Lipstick - Need I say more about this fabulous lipstick from the MAC Style Warrior collection - I absolutely heart it - I am obviously not the only one since it has already sold out on the MAC UK website. If I can get to a store before they disappear completely I am definitely buying a back up spending ban or no spending ban
Tilquhillie Pure Oat Muesli With Cranberry - As you may know I am Coeliac I can't eat wheat or gluten containing products. Up until recently the only gluten free muesli you could get contained all sorts of bits like millet flakes and so on and to be quite honest it tasted like bird seed not very nice at all. Then I stumbled on this product containing clean oats. The majority of cereals tend to be mixed up so even some oats can trigger an allergic reaction thankfully these oats have been tested to Coeliac UK's standard as being pure and are therefore safe for the majority of people with gluten allergies to eat. Yum proper muesli at long last :)
ME ME ME Poppy Tint - I bought this product from Superdrug a few months ago and haven't really touched it until this week. It's basically a pretty good dupe for Benfits Posie Tint i.e. a lovely bright barbie pink lip and cheek stain. To be honest it scared me a bit as it looks a little bit bright but I tried it this week and I am so impressed. It actually goes on quite sheer and looks especially good on the lips when blotted down a bit with some clear or pink toned gloss over the top - another drugstore winner :) (sorry for the crappy picture).
My Mum Being Out Of Hospital After a ridiculously stressful few days involving casualty, ambulances and occupational therapists my mum is home recuperating again. I was so stressed at the beginning of last week but I am at last starting to calm down and feel secure again
My Family and My Friends - Its always at stressful times when you find out who really will be there for you and I certainly found that out this time. My best friend Dawn is exactly that - 2 and half hour phone calls and lifts to the hospital she is a real star and I am so lucky I know her. Several family members also came up trumps and really helped me out x
You Lot - Huge thanks to all my new and existing followers I really appreciate your support - Also huge thanks for producing such fabulous blogs, tweets and you tube vids which have really helped me relax in a tough week - Thanks peeps x
I'm glad you've got some things making you happy. Well done with the weight loss hun. I feel guilty today because i ate the most huge slice of chocolate cake today with fudge topping, i'm no dieting but i still feel bad! x
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the weight loss Lou :) Good to hear that your mum is out of hospital too. What's the MeMeMe Poppy tint like on the cheeks? I tried the Benefit one and it scared me lol! x
ReplyDeleteThanks Peoples - Sparkles - It looks quite scary when you put it on initially like a hot Barbie pink but it blends really well ad creates a really sheer pink stain :) I'll try and do some swatches when my camera charges :)