I was tagged by the absolutely adorable Lucy to do this tag - its been around for a little while now so sorry for the delay x
You have to let your followers in on 10 things about you they may not know, but that are true. Then you must tag 10 people with the award.
1) I have a condition called facial palsy which affects the nerves and muscles in my face meaning my smile is sometimes slightly crooked, and my eyes can sometimes look uneven. I used to be bullied really badly for this and it totally destroyed my self confidence when I was younger. This is why you won't see any full FOTD from me - I haven't got enough confidence to expose myself to criticism and potential cyber bullying at this stage :( I have considered surgery and potential botox like injections to deal with the unevenness and paralysis but sometimes the cure is worse than the condition but we'll see after all - its only other peoples perceptions of perfection and imperfection that cause me problems and unhappiness - I have had it since birth and the improvement over time has made me feel more comfortable with it -I'm not perfect but who is - This is my friend Karen's site which tells you a bit more about the condition which is very common, and many people have it to a lesser or greater degree
Eventually I am going to break my You Tube hoodoo as much as to prove you don't have to be perfect to like make up ;)but I need a bit more guts here I certainly don't have Karen's yet x
2) I was diagnosed with ME / CFS three years ago next month - this is a complete bummer and has affected my every day life a huge amount. I had to give me job up, and I am really limited as to how often I can go out and above all go shopping - hence when I manage it my hauls are huge. This is also the reason why I rely so heavily on online shopping ;)
3) I am majorly grateful that I managed to finish my education before the advent of my ME I was never the most gifted student but I worked hard and cared about what I did - I got into University and got a BA (Hons) Degree in Sociology and followed it up with an MSc in Social Sciences. I am tremendously proud of my achievements as I now how hard I worked for it (even if I do look like an idiot in my graduation pics especially my BA one - Sun In - Anyone?)
4)I am a compulsive speed reader I can finish an book usually within an hour and a half - I heart reading and can read just about anything but I love true life stories of real heroism and the human spirit
5)I been a vegetarian for over 12 years - I love animals and support quite a few animal and vegetarian charities. I have two cats that are my life and quite often I think I prefer animals to people
6)My first MAC purchases were from an online discount store, many, many years ago - they were three eyeshadows with the old style twist off lids - Phase. Limit and Frill - Pink, Peach and Yellow- I still have them today and they still are as good as when I bought them (although the colours aren't really me anymore!)
7) I am probably the most untidy person known to humanity - I have the best of intentions but......
8)I am an only child which means I am super close to my parents (my dad died in 2002 :( ) Me and my mum argue like cat and dog but we are so alike and our bond is so strong
9) I have a fixation for nice things which is often ridiculed :( - when I was working my parents went on holiday to Venice and I asked them to bring me back a black Prada handbag - which I would pay for - they did it (even though my mum said my dad nearly has a fit when they told them how much it was). I heart my bag with an absolute passion but loads of my work colleagues at the time couldn't believe I spend nearly £600 on a handbag. It was a lot of money but I was earning it at the time and I love it as much still today , it was a quality bag and will last a life time with proper care. Plus it was one of the last things my parents got my (they also bought me the matching purse) before my dad died so it has a really special place in my heart
10) Finally I must be the only person that can't abide reality TV and the likes of Katie and Peter I want people to be famous and recognised for something important - I think we are way to celebrity obsessed nowadays and people can become famous for next to nothing - grrrrrr it gets my goat
Anyways there are my 10 sorry some of that is a bit heavy for a Sunday afternoon - because I'm so late I tag anyone that wants to do this xxx
aww thanks for doing this :)
ReplyDeleteMy sister and her partner are vegeterians and my niece Evie is too and she has been ever since birth!
its great finding differnt things out about everyone :)
your a star :)
Lu x
Lol no probs Lucy I could probably have done another 3 of these :)
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed reading this hun it was great. Reality TV pretty much annoys me - I don't even get magazines any more because stories about most celebs annoy me too much! xx