Friday 8 June 2012

Brightening Up A Dull Day With A Bit Of Chanel

Looking out of the window today you would definitely think it was January not June. Despite the enthusiasm of yesterday's posts I really think that summer is over at least for the time being! The weather forecast today predicted that this dull, drizzly weather could last for a fortnight argh. Anyway I've done what every good beauty blogger does in times of mediocre weather - I've tried to cheer myself up with a super bright nail polish

Chanel 212 Biarritz was released as a limited edition as part of their 2006 summer collection, not only does the name make you think of sunnier places, but the colour itself will also make your day just a little bit brighter :) It's a lovely peach / orange shade with a teeny tiny bit of gold shimmer. Surprisingly for Chanel this actually went on pretty well, it still needed two coats but the coverage really wasn't bad.

I wasn't sure about this colour at first hence it's sat in the drawer unloved for a while but I have to say it's really growing on me - It looks really nice with a tan (out of a bottle obviously see tomorrows post ;) and I think it's a really pretty colour  for Spring and Summer x What do you think of Biarritz?

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