Tuesday 6 December 2011

Milking It Up With Acorelle - A Review For My Pure

If your a regular reader of my reviews for My Pure, you'll already be familiar with French brand Acorelle. I've reviewed quite a few products in their epiliation and skincare line including the Oriental Wax, their body scrub, and a facial hair growth inhibitor, and an ingrown hair treatment, not the most glamorous of item but nevertheless good workman like products. Acorelle isn't all about hair removal and the more hidden side of beauty though, the also have a fragrance line. I'm a bit funny with fragrance if I'm honest I wouldn't dream of buying a perfume without trying it first, you can choose a fragrance sample with your My Pure order but I thought I'd play it safe and go for a fragrance body milk instead. The Acorelle Fragrance range contains 3 fragranced body milks to coordinate with 3 of their top selling fragrances, you can get Tea Garden, White Orchid, and the went for Rose.

Packaged in a 200ml pump action dispenser, this has a much creamier texture than what I was expecting. Body Milks I've tried in the past are usually quite thin in texture, but this was actually more of a loose cream.

Body milks usually don't provide a lot of moisture but this as you would expect from the texture does. It sinks in fairly quickly but I did find it left the skin slightly sticky for a while, not a feeling I have to say I found that pleasant.

The big thing with this product for me is the smell, based on the name Rose, I expected something quite different to what I actually got. To be honest it was my own fault I never read the description of the scent. Don't think of this as a traditional rose fragrance like I did, it actually has more of a fine fragrance character. It has notes of rose, rosebud, freesia, geranium and raspberry. It's quite a sweet fragrance, which I think is dominated by the geranium and the raspberry with only a tiny hint of the rose, I have to say it really wasn't what I expected and it wasn't a fragrance I particularly liked. Although it was my own fault for not reading the description I have to say I didn't get on with this product at all, the texture was a bit sticky, and it's obviously a personal thing but I didn't like the smell. The Acorelle Fragrance Rose Body Milk retails at £12.90 for 200ml from My Pure. Any questions please leave me a comment x

(The Acorelle Fragrance Rose Body Milk Was Provided By My Pure For Review Purposes) 

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