Monday 18 January 2010

Hello Kitty Ebay Purchase

Just thought I'd show you something I received from ebay this morning. As you know I got an iPod touch for Christmas but despite how pretty and shiny it looked I realised on Christmas day that the lovely silver steel backing was going to get dirty and covered in finger prints, so on boxing day I won this little beauty -a Hello Kitty iPod touch case on ebay :) It came today which wasn't bad considering it came from Hong Kong - I've used the sellers pics - hope they don't mind :) Cute, kitsch or tacky I don't care I love it and my iPod is now smudge and smear free :)


  1. Just adorable! Looks uber cute!

    Stefy xx

  2. So pretty! I got distracted with your google ad for laser removall-free! A contest, I freaked out and entered. Ok I am back now ha ha

    I am a new reader and look forward to following you blog. It is always nice to meet new bloggers. Pop on by to my bloggy blog. I am doing a couple giveaways currently. 1-an inStyler! That hair product that everyone is drooling over. 2-an iPod Nano! WOO HOO. The giveaways are listed in the right column on the top of my blog. Have a great day new blogging friend! -Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A Blog!


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