Wednesday 22 April 2009

Getting Things Done

I must admit I have had a pretty productive couple of days for a change My craft room /study is gradually sorting itself out - I must admit though I didn't think I had as much craft stuff as what I've got - paper, cards, ribbons, eek - all so pretty but all needing a place to live ;) - never mind its getting there.
I have also managed a lot of ebay listing, and my first lot of sales is pretty encouraging - so much so in fact that I have sorted out another few batches of things to list)
My diet is also going pretty well - I was pretty shocked at how much I'd put over Easter so I suppose its spurred me on a bit - lots of water, loads of fruit and veg - the new healthy me ;)
So where has she slipped up you may ask? erm the spending diet! Well I am classing it as an essential purchase to be honest; I treated myself to some new make up brushes from - I already have some decent MAC, Ruby and Millie and Molton Brown Brushes but a lot of mine are of the 40 brushes for a tenner variety :( cue lots of hair loss and rough bristles so I am classing the few I have bought as an investment purchase which I am hoping will improve my make up application :)
Never mind I predict another wobble tomorrow - my shopping trip with my godmother - eeek!!!!

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