Monday 12 October 2009

When Louise Met Lauren


Right I went to the Metro Centre on Saturday mainly for the Lauren Luke / panacea81 book signing which was been held in the centres Waterstones store. I arrived about 15 minutes before the signing was due to start and there was already a pretty big queue
We were told that Lauren was running a bit late but it didn't matter the banter in the queue was great - everyone was in a really good mood - I got talking to two lovely young girls who were so excited about meeting Lauren one of them actually cried when she met her - ahhhh. There were loads of press around and tv cameras - I was asked if I wanted to be interviewed by the Tonight programme but I was too scared lol I was interviewed by some lovely students though for the student magazine which was nice.
Everyone was getting really excited the closer we got to Lauren I did manage to spot Happy1234 further down the queue but I didn't manage to say hello :(


Eventually it was my turn - I have to say Lauren didn't disappoint she was lovely, so, so natural, and sooo friendly exactly how she is in her videos I told her about how much I love the kit I got and especially the Petal Dew lip colour - which is coming out in a bullet form soon- hurray (hence what she wrote on my book)

Here is Lauren's video of the event I am about 11 ish minutes in lol

I just want to take this opportunity to thank Lauren, and Waterstones, and everyone else I met at the event I had a fabulous time even though my poor muscles have paid for it since xx


  1. Aww she really does seem adorable. How's the book? Could you do a review on it? I flicked through it the other day but don't have the pennies to get it. So happy so much success has happened to such a sweet girl.


  2. Yeah no poblem I will do when I have got caught up xx

  3. Good day wasnt it :). Shame we never got chance to speak - next time eh :)

  4. yay pipsypopsy26 is in your video.

  5. Ah I love hearing about what Lauren is up too- she's done so many amazing things but always seems so down to earth! x

  6. @legseleven7 - you know I thought I recognised her face from somewhere -I have only seen a few of her vids tho :)
    @Daisy - she is soooo down to earth a few of the young girls started
    to cry with excitement and she went to give them a hug

  7. She deserves all her success. Great post! xx

  8. Wow!! Thats great looks like you had a fab day x


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