Tuesday 6 October 2009

Normal Service Resumed



Well after a lot of hassle and irritation today I received a parcel from Samsung containing my replacement laptop !!! Hurrah! Although it isn't the same model as my previous one it is brand new and very nice :) Because its a replacement not a repair I have lost some of my old files etc which can't be helped I tried to back up as much as I could but I suppose I will have lost some bits :( Never mind to apologise for all the hassle they also included £20 worth of Marks & Spencer vouchers which I am going to use for some of my Christmas shopping - result ! Anyways normal service will hopefully be resumed asap I have loads of posts to catch up on so expect some regular postings from now on xx


  1. Yay i'm so glad that you got it at last! x

  2. Technology is brilliant - until it doesn't work. Glad to see everything is new and working well!



  3. Glad to have you back hunny :)

    Jo.. xxxx

  4. thanks everyone it honestly felt like I'd lost a limb I had beome so dependent on it lol

  5. I know that feeling. Not long ago my laptop got a nasty nasty virus that almost killed it. I was near to tears at times. Massive sigh of relief when everything gets sorted out.




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