Surely I can't be alone in my affection for QVC The Shopping Channel!
Once very much a standing joke it is now the place to shop - with fab top of the range beauty products, craft, and jewellery all without leaving your chair!
Like Innovations catalogues and Lakeland you can always find something you desperately have to have even though a minute ago you never knew it existed!
My latest must have is a fab invention called the Grip To Me Coat Hanger - sort of skinny velour coated coat hangers - the clothes literally cling to them and don't fall off and because they are so thin you can fit more items in your wardrobe.
Its quite embarrassing to get excited over coat hangers but they have made such a difference to my wardrobe - they have created more space and you know that that means - more shopping and more clothes!
Yup once a haven for naff porcelain dolls QVC does it again and brings us something fab!
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