
Saturday 30 August 2014

Press Sample / AD - My Thoughts On Toners And The Trilogy Hydrating Mist Toner - A Review For My Pure*

Lately I've been doing a lot of work on my Beauty Product Directory and that's lead to me re-reading a lot of my older posts argh! not good in some cases, but what I have learnt from it is that I tend to repeat myself quite a lot, not with specific posts but more so with the phrases and the language that I use in my posts. I'm useless at starting blog posts, so quite often I start off by talking about my obsession with a certain product or group of products., and today's post in no different.

My name is Louise and I am obsessed with facial sprays and facial toners! I know that toners have had a bit of a bad press over the years but their really is nothing better for refreshing your skin and leaving your face smooth, cool and hydrated. Years ago the only toners and face sprays you could get were either pressurised water - nice but it doesn't do too much, or filled with alcohol which more often than not left the skin dry and stripped. You can still get the water sprays, which I swear by on the beach, and you can still get some toners with alcohol in with are more geared towards people with an oilier skin, but thankfully for most of us toners have moved on, or should I say backwards.

Even in the most high end skincare these days, you'll still find some element of natural ingredients. Yes even in this technological day and  age we can still see the skin benefits  of plant and natural extracts. Whilst I am partial to a real in your face brightening and exfoliating toner that makes my pores dance, for everyday use I tend to lean towards  gentler,  more natural skin tonics. Having just squeezed out the last drops of my favourite Liz Earle Skin Tonic, I took the opportunity to try out something new as part of my August My Pure Reviews.

Trilogy Hydrating Mist Toner is only the second product that I've tried from New Zealand based company Trilogy, although I've heard an awful lot of good things about their Rosehip Oil. They pride themselves on producing an ethical, natural and organic skin care line, full of natural plant and  flower extracts.

This product is designed for all skin types and is designed to hydrate, tone and revitalise the skin. It's alcohol free and contains Aloe Vera, and flower waters including Geranium, Lavender, and Rose, to calm, and balance the skin.

It comes beautifully packaged in a brown, frosted, pump action glass bottle, which is especially designed  to protect the precious floral waters. I love spray toners because they are so versatile, they're quick and easy to use, and they're great for setting make up and for cooling the skin down, with out using any faffy cotton wool.

Another Lou cliche here,  but the first thing you honestly do notice is the smell. The rose and geranium aromas dominate leaving a fresh, refreshing floral scent on the skin. The smell is quite strong but it's pleasant and it doesn't last very long on the skin, so it doesn't interfere with your perfume or any other skin care aromas.

The mist immediately feels fresh and cooling on the skin, probably down to the Aloe Vera content. The mist is quite fine so your skin never feels too wet and it's fine enough to use it over make up. As well as using it to set make up, I've also used it over bare skin on the rare warm days we've had over the last month and as a general toner after cleansing.

I definitely think that the Aloe Vera adds to the moisture content, and this toner leaves my skin feeling not only cool and fresh but also feeling as though it's as had a drink of water. This toner is about as far away from those stripping drying skin tonics of the past as you'll get. Not a hint of drying, stinging or redness occurred, even when I accidentally used it after a bit of hair removal, and a brow shape.

This toner is definitely something that I would consider repurchasing, it felt nice and gentle on  my skin, smelled lovely and it's so easy and economical to use. It is pricey, but I've been using it for about 3 weeks now and I've used such a tiny amount that it really would last for a long time. The Trilogy Hydrating Mist Toner usually retails at £18.50 on My Pure, for 100ml Have you used any Trilogy products before? Please let me know, I'd love to hear your recommendations x Thanks for reading x

*Press Sample

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