
Saturday 12 January 2013

The Worlds Biggest Juice Detox - Day 5

Day 5 is done, I now only have two more days of juice detoxing to go - wahoo - I'm on the final stretch!!

What I Drank Today?

Despite promises to start the day with something different, I ended having lemon and hot water again :)

My first two juices of the day were Juice Master's Super Chute Juices. This one is probably my least favourite so far on the plan, but be adding a bit more lemon and a bit more ginger I've managed to give it a much more zingy and a slightly less earthy flavour. This is the last day that this juice appears on the plan - typical just when I've managed to make it more drinkable. Nevermind click here to see the basic recipe courtesy of the Juice Master website x

The next juice of the day was the Juice Master's Super Detox Juice. As I said yesterday I wasn't looking forward to this one too much but it's a really fresh and palate clearing juice. It's a really good cleansing and unsurprisingly from the name detoxifying juice. 

The final two juices of the day were probably the most popular juices on the plan the Juice Master's Super Juice. There is only one day (tomorrow) when this doesn't appear on the plan, so it must be a good one x Again I struggled to down these two I'm not sure why - I didn't have a problem with this one for the first few days hmm.

The last drink of the day as you by now is always a hot one, the plan recommends either a mint or fennel  infusion, or the Hot n' Spicy mix that I had yesterday, but I fancied something a bit different and instead I made a ginger infusion. I did the same as what I've done for the rest of the infusions and poured some hot water over the top of a slice of fresh ginger. I'm experiencing a bit of lady troubles today and my mum says she always used to drink ginger tea so I thought I'd give it a go. I infused the ginger in a bit of water for a bit before adding the rest. Whilst the flavour did come out I think it would be better if I'd grated the ginger, never the less it was a nice warming drink on a icy winter night x

Ingredient Of The Day 

For today's ingredient of the day I decided to go with something that we've probably all got in our fridges, the cucumber. Yes it can be a bit rifty ;) but I love cucumber and regularly have a chunk as a snack even when more tempting things are available. Cucumber is a major ingredient in 5 of the juices on the 7 day plan and for good reason. As well as being cooling and hydrating due to the high water content, it's also an excellent cleansing and detoxing juice, and contains Vitamin B, folic acid, and calcium. So next time you pop a bit on year salad, take time to remember how good cucumber is for you x

How Am I Feeling?

I was feeling a bit meh yesterday but I'm actually feeling a little bit brighter today. I'm still feeling tired but I'm approaching the remainder of the plan with renewed vigour - go me :). I've been feeling super thirsty today which I don't really understand since I'm drinking so much liquid, still I've upped my water intake again, and in fact I had two glasses before I'd even started my lemon water. I can't believe I've actually made it this far in all honesty but I only have two days left, lots of green things and a new juice tomorrow so we'll see how I get on x

Thanks again for all your support and comments both on here and on twitter, x Thanks for reading and I'll see you tomorrow with a couple of posts including my sale haul and a review of Day 6 xx Any questions please leave me a comment xx

(All Of The Fruit, Vegetables And Superfood Extracts In This Post And The Juicer Were Provided By Phillips In Association With The Juice Master For Review / Promotional Purposes)

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