
Monday 21 January 2013

Snow Day

Hi Guys - Apologies for the mini absence, I promise regular posts will resume asap, I just thought I'd show you some pics of my back garden today, there is some grass and a path under there somewhere!

Although I think were ill prepared for snow in this country, up in my little part of Co Durham we have had an awful lot, it's snowed pretty much solidly from 1 this morning, and when you add that to what's already fallen last week that's quite a lot.

Thankfully we have have shelter, heating and electricity so we'll manage - the electricity must have gone off at some point though because I've spent two hours on the phone to Orange trying to restore my internet connection grrrr. Anyways I hope your all safe and warm, and please if you have elderly or disabled neighbours please check to see if their okay in this bad weather. Stay warm and cosy and I'll see you tomorrow xx

1 comment:

  1. It looks so pretty! Such a shame that it cause so much hassle for everyone! xo


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