
Sunday 30 December 2012

Project 10 Pan - Round 2 - I'm Finished :)

Yes, it's official, I finished Project 10 Pan Round 2 on Christmas Day :) In an effort to cover my Rudolph esq nose on Christmas Day I ended up using a much heavier foundation than I'd planned and I ended up finishing my Revlon Colorstay Mineral Mousse Foundation 30ml in Light.

I have to say initially I really liked this foundation. It gave quite a full coverage but it was great for bad skin days (you can read my review here). This foundation did tend to thicken over time though, so towards the end it did have a tendency to look quite thick and cakey if you didn't blend it properly.

That said I did quite like this, the colour worked really well on my skin, and it did give a smooth velvety finish, and it lasted for ages on my combination skin. To be perfectly honest I think this may have been discontinued which is a shame, if for I saw one for a bargain price though I would definitely consider picking one up, despite the zillions of foundations that I already own :).

So I've finished Project 10 Pan, again! I've finished quite a few base products this time round, and only a couple of eye, cheek, and lip products, which I am pretty happy with. Here's a full list of all the products that I've finished - if you click the products you'll be able to read the post about what I thought about each item.

I've found finishing the products easier this time around, but I have to be honest and say that I found it harder temptation wise this time. So many interesting products have came out between May when I started and now, I managed to stay strong though and I only received a couple of things as gifts this time round.

Although I learnt a lot of lessons from doing Project 10 Pan Round 1, pretty quickly I fell back into my old ways and bought make up like it was going out of fashion. This time round though I'm determined to do better and be more discerning in my make up purchasing. Since May time I've had a good chance to assess my rather substantial make up stash, and I've got rid of a lot of the things that I'm not likely to use, and I've started to be a little bit more experimental about the things that I do wear. From now on I'm definitely going to try and be more careful about the products that I do buy, and try only to buy products that are different to what I already own and that I actually will use, for example I must stop buying more and more  lipsticks and blushes in the same colour even if they do suit me. I'm also really going to try and shop my stash more, and use more of the products that I actually own rather than using the same things all the time, some of which I hope will provide me with some inspiration for blog post in 2013. I've done a little video about my experience which you see here.

So I've done it, it's finitio, over, I hope this time that I really can learn some lessons from my Project 10 Pan experience. Have you ever attempted Project 10 Pan before? Do you think you would get something out of the experience? Let me know in the comments x and thanks for all of your support xx


  1. Wow! Congratulations - I don't think I have this good of self control! haha :)

  2. Have a project 10 pan going on right now and am nearly through. Haven't been blogging for forever and a day though so no documentation on it apart from an un-uploaded video - my darned camera records but won't let me transfer the videos to the computer...


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