
Monday 12 September 2011

Katia, Katia, Katia - What A Way To Start The Week

Happy Monday Everyone

I had a bit of a crappy weekend again tummy troubles and muscle pains all weekend have curtailed a lot of things including good sleep. So I tried to have a long lie in this morning and what happened, yeah gale force winds slamming the doors and the windows, and wheelie bins and recycling boxes rolling down the road, welcome to the tail end of Hurricane Katia. If your in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Northern England stay safe this afternoon it's only going to get worse before it gets better x I'm certainly not leaving the house this afternoon I hate wind !!!

The fur babies have had an interesting weekend too running around like loons all weekend to curling in the little balls today they certainly have the right idea

Anyway I'm sure your not reading my blog today for a weather report, instead you want to know what you have to look forward to this week, well think fingers, I have a nails of the day post coming and the start of my Nail Polish Collection series. I also have a couple of reviews coming this week including some haircare and skincare products, and maybe but maybe a gift haul but we'll see. I like to say a huge hi to all my new followers - thank you, and don't forget I will be launching a giveaway when I reach 500 followers. I hope you all have a good week and that the wind isn't too destructive xx


  1. awww cute pics of your cats.

    Thomas has been out a couple of times but he does not like the wind so keeps coming back in.

    I hope you are ok with your tummy pains and all that.

    I live in the south and its so windy here it does appear to be getting worse! xx

  2. Aww your kitties look so beautiful! I hope you're feeling better and everyone around you is safe from that naughty wind. x


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