
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Nails Of The Day Featuring Essie And A Hint Of Things To Come

I'm still feeling a bit rubbishy -damn you summer cold and I had an awful night unable to draw myself away from the awful scenes on tv but the show must go on as they say so I thought I'd do a little nails of the day post - I'm really enjoying doing these, trying out all my polishes and rediscovering forgotten gems. Today's colour is quite a summery shade which I bought last year as part of the Essie Resort Collection mini kit.

The colour in question is the beautiful Turquoise & Caicos - a beautiful minty  / turquoise shade this is two coats :)

Pretty isn't it as you know I love colours like this and despite just been a mini this is a goodie :)

I've had a few requests in the past particularly after this make up collection video to see a nail polish collection video, but the more I thought about it the more I realised that a video just wasn't feasible, I don't want to show off but I want to show you colours, swatches and brands in more detail so I've decided to do potentially a rather large series on my blog showing you my nail polish collection by brand. This is a mammoth task I probably have more nail polish than I did when the video was filmed last year, so don't expect this series to be done in a week lol. I will be featuring posts on every brand of polish I own and that is a lot of brands. I am going to be a bit sneaky and include some of the brands in with my Budget Beauty Series, I have a lot of  polishes by George, MUA, BeautyUK and more to show you. I have to say I am so excited about doing this series not only as a resource for your guys, but also for me so I can see exactly what colours I have at a glance. I hope your as excited about this series as I am and I hope you like Turquoise & Caicos - leave a comment and let me know xx


  1. i have never tryed essie nail polishes i usually use models own do you think essie r better than models own

  2. Lovely colour, hope you're feeling better soon x

  3. i loved color of nail paint.very famine look.

  4. Love that colour its stunning x


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