
Thursday 25 November 2010

One Month To Go Till Santa Comes

Well the scene outside my bedroom window today certainly looks Christmassy doesn't it but there is still one month to go. You wouldn't think it though would you VH1 has started it annual back to back Christmas tunes, and I put Now That's What I Call Xmas on my iPod last night lol Never mind Christmas always makes me feel happy so why not encourage it a bit when I'm feeling a bit down. I haven't done a Goods and Bads this week because to be honest I'm not feeling that great or that cheerful - ho hum maybe singing along to the Pogues and Kirsty McColl, and my mum homemade fruit cake will lift my spirits even if it doesn't warm my cold toes lol I promise normal non weather related posts will resume tomorrow with a product rave for you xxx


  1. Ohhh its so pretty but so annoying too. Hope you feel more cheerful soon Lou x

  2. Wow!! You have proper snow! We had nothing in London but my parents who live in Surrey said they had some flecks today but nothing major.

  3. wow where do u live thats alot of snow :O

  4. I'm jealous I want snow - looks lovely! xxx

  5. It's no fun if we have it annually. We had plenty earlier in 2010. Enough's as good as a feast. Bloomin' nuisance.

  6. Ahh you got a lot of snow there! We didn't have anyhing in Manchester, but I'm kinda glad 'cause it can be a nightmare to go to work. xx

  7. Goodness it does look Chrismassy outside your window. Brrrrr I am off the get another jumper.

  8. Thanks ladies lovely isn't it NOT lol It's well below freezing now and more is expected brrr bring on the hot chocolate I say xx


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