
Sunday 29 August 2010

More Cooking With LouLou - Flapjacks

A little while ago I promised you some of my favourite recipes and this is one of them - I remember my mum making these when I was tiny and I still make them today. I have to admit there was a big gap in my life where I couldn't eat these but thanks to the introduction of safe oats :)I can now make Coeliac friendly flapjacks which everyone can enjoy - I'll give you my basic recipe which originally came from the Be-Ro cook book which I have adapted for gluten free eating.

4oz/100g Butter or Margarine (I use Butter)
1 tbsp Golden Syrup
4oz/100g Sugar
2oz/50g Oats (I use Sainsbury's Free From Safe Oats)
2oz/50g Self Raising Flour (I use Doves Farm Gluten Free)
Extras - Nuts, Dried Fruits, Chocolate Chips, Seeds, Crushed Biscuits or Breakfast Cereals


1. Melt the butter and the syrup gently in a pan

2. Put the dry ingredients -the oats, flour and sugar in a bowl. Also add any extras you want to the dry ingredients I've used dried apricots, pecan nuts and coco pops here

3. Mix the melted butter and syrup into the dry ingredients until it's all combined

4. Spread evenly into a greased swiss roll tin or a baking tin - as per usual I've used a silicone pan which makes it easier to turn the flapjack out :)

5) Bake the flapjack for around 20 minutes at 190°C, Gas Mark 5 - they should be slightly browned but still soft - don't panic though as with most biscuits and cookies they will harden as they cool - whilst there still soft mark into squares and leave to cool :)

Hints and Tips

* This recipe can be easily adapted to make more flapjacks I usually double the recipe :)
* Sometimes you might need to add a few more oats after you've mixed the syrup in sometimes the flour and oats will absorb more or less
* I mentioned just a few of the extras you can add to your flapjack you don't need to but I think it makes it nice with a few extras in pecans and choc chips are nice, as are dried cranberries and white chocolate chips - yum
* Stating the obvious you can also cover them in chocolate after they've cooled - personally I think they are sweet enough without it :)

Hope you enjoy - any questions give me a shout xx


  1. in one word: D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S
    I'd coat them in choco too! LOL

  2. yummy!!!!!!!!!

    sher x

  3. I love flapjacks, i've been making them for Phil and he gets so excited.I like to eat them when they are still warm and soft. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM x


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