
Wednesday 31 December 2008

Happy New Year - Spendaholic To Spendthrift!!!!!

I know I haven't updated this blog much lately but 2009 will be my year of change in loads of areas.
As friends and regular readers may know I am a bit of a spendthrift - I love my clothes and my beauty products and over the last few months I have realised that enough is enough.
A few evil credit card and store card bills and the current credit crunch have made me realise that the spending has got to stop.
Therefore my 2009 resolution is to stop spending money and to impose on myself a spending ban.
Over the next twelve months I will only buy what I need or run out of, the exclusions will be pressies for others, my monthly mags (sorry I can't give those up!), and something from MAC Hello Kitty.
Having looked at all my beauty stash and my wardrobes the sad thing is I could probably survive for a year without buying anything so here is my chance - I know I have a lot of doubters out there but I am determined to prove them wrong!
I'll keep you posted as to how I get on wish me luck!

Thursday 11 September 2008

5 Months Later!!!

Apologies for not posting for ever but I haven't always had time the time or the energy and I discovered Facebook!
Home wise is still the same I still have ME , I had another fab holiday in Cyprus, and my mum needs two knee replacements and two hip replacements :(

Football wise all hell has broke loose Mike Ashley and his minions have taken over the club and what seemed like a good thing is rapidly turning into a disaster. The appointment of Keegan was always going to be risky but bringing in people over his head, and telling him how to manage was never going to work and it was no surprise when Keegan resigned. Cue one very unhappy football club and one super angry fan base. I am currently debating on whether to go on Saturday as I don't know if I can face a riot so I will wait and see. Trouble at SJP not half!!!

Sunday 27 April 2008

My Derby Game Pics!!!

Some pics taken from level 7 of the Sir John Hall Stand which is why the pitch is so tiny ! !!! Apologies there are no pics of police dogs I was too scared to take my camera out when I got stuck in the middle of the riot :(

Sunday 6 April 2008

It's Snow Joke!!!!

Sorry for the crap attempt at humour but isn't it supposed to be Spring?

Saturday 29 March 2008

Easter Chocolate Overdose!

Hope all you fab readers had a fab Easter mine equaled a chocolate overdose - choc eggs, Easter nests and a GF choc cake yum yum! Diet starts next week ;)

Sunday 9 March 2008

Mothers Day Pics!

Pics of my mums flowers, her balloon and the mushroom stroganoff I made!

Friday 29 February 2008

More Craft - Mothers Day Cards

Here are some cards I made for Mothers Day!

OMG - Time Flies!

I haven't updated this blog for nearly a month probably for the plain and simple reason I don't have much to say, nothing interesting ever seems to happen to me:( Plus I've been spending more time on Facebook ;)
Really ! nothing has happened no major changes have happened in my life and Newcastle still haven't won a game under Kevin Keegan :(
On the plus side we have booked another holiday in sunny Cyprus for June - I can't wait this dreary, windy weather is getting to me and making my pains worse!
We are going here!
Can't wait - going to have to be more strict on my diet - am going to try the cereal thing next week my mum has seen good results on it so far - wish me luck!

Wednesday 6 February 2008

YumYum Pancakes In My Tum!

Well yesterdy was Shrove Tuesday and for the first time ever we managed to make successful gluten free pancakes which were scrummy! I managed to integrate them into my calorie controlled diet which was fab too! What am I giving up for Lent - calories!

Monday 4 February 2008

A Major Catch Up!

I am a bad girl for forgetting to update this but things have been a bit crappy!

I have had the earache from hell for a fortnight and was in absolutely agony - so much so I was on the verge of shoving my head through a plate glass window!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully I got some antibiotics and it is starting to feel normal again!

The suspected upturn in Newcastle Uniteds fortunes under KK hasn't happened yet ! No major tranfer window signings, and we are still yet to win a game - oh well another season of pointlessness and disappointment!

Things have lifted slightly in the last few days though - I managed to go shopping for the first time since Christmas and had a fab Primark spree which really lifted my spirits! and the annual diet starts today - I can't believe I have put so much weight on in just a few months!

Oh another thing Happy Belated Birthday to my friend Susan and thanks to Dawn for the Hello Kitty Fridge Magnets :)

Thursday 3 January 2008

My Fab Christmas Gift !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to all for some fab Christmas gifts last year but this one is truly amazing! A mirror with a huge jewellery cabinet inside! I love my jewellery and want to keep it organised so this was an amazing gift from my mum!

2008 = Great - Not So Far!

Happy New Year and a very belated Happy Christmas readers!
Christmas was fab I got some amazing goodies, ate some yummy food and generally made merry! After Christmas however things started to go down hill. From Boxing Day onwards I started to develop the lurgy cold flu or whatever it is! Aches, pains you name it, then vomit, snot and now a hacking tickly cough! What an amazing start to 2008 and the football hasn't been much better! Here's hoping things can only get better - I have made some resolutions but I ain't going public with them - they aren't anything spectacular but they are personal ! At least the place looks nice today outside anyways - lovely snow making everything look clean and fresh better than indoors anyways all bare with the tree and the decoration being taken down!
Oh something good did happen I got an A for my first Counselling assignment!